Friday, August 21, 2009


Hell yeah, it's Friday! I am excited only because there is a slim chance that since the alarm won't be going off tomorrow that my toddler won't wake up at the ass crack of dawn. But that is another day...

I woke up and decided to get my hair highlighted. I talked to my sister and she said she could watch the kids if I drove them to her house. She didn't have to tell me twice especially not after Lily was pulling a bowl of popcorn one way and Carly the other and guess what happened next. Carly let go and I was basically decorated from head to toe in popcorn.

I have been toying around on a great photo editing site that I heard about through my 15 year old sister in law, so it must be cool, right? Do the kids even say cool nowadays? The hairdresser told me that her kids don't even use the home phone anymore, they just text. Can you believe it? What rock do I live under? Anyway, as I digress... the website is called
and it allows you to upload photos and then alter them to fix eyes, enhance them, change the focus, add graphics, fade out images, fix blemishes, and tons more. Some of the features are free, but to change the eye color and stuff like that you have to sign up and pay a fee. It is $24.99 for the year, which I thought was not too bad to make myself look younger, but check it out and let me know if you know of other cool photo editing sites.

Well, tonight is the night of all exciting nights! I get to go scrapbook my kids' lives for six hours in a store with my sister. I know, for some that doesn't sound that exciting, but I like it because it is a little bit of me time and I get to make progress on something I like to do. I feel like I am way behind on the scrapbook, but I plan on making a dent on that tonight. To any of you that live in the Eldersburg, MD area, they have a fabulous scrapbook store called Photoscraps and they even have their own blog on blogspot. On Friday nights they do crops from 6 pm -12 am and they serve dinner and snacks. My sister and I bring a bottle of wine and some cups which helps us ease into relax time.
Speaking of, I better go get my stuff ready and tend to the kids.I am getting demanded to give the little one a "bot", so that's my queue. Until next time...

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